Superstar Life




Become a movie star, fashion designer, superstar, or a business star!

WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF SUPERSTARS!FASHION!Shop most wanted fashion clothing, win fashion shows, stylize your star with glamorous dress, handbag, hairstyle, necklace, makeup and be most stylish celebrity in the worldCELEBRITY CRUSH!Meet your celebrity date and enjoy your love lifeSUPERSTAR CAREERS!Become movie star, business superstar, music pop star sensation or best-selling fashion designerCONNECT WITH FRIENDS!Get social with your friends, beat your friend style, win fashion shows, earn rewards from your friends, play with friends and partyMAKE YOUR AVATAR!Makeup, dress up, stylize and decide your characterSTARDOMShop at luxury beauty salon, enjoy the spa, play stardom mini-games and travel the world with private superstar jet, hire your personal assistantMinor bugfixes

Read trusted reviews from application customers

absolutely love this but it has been closing down on me for a while now. too many technical issues.

Rysa Suha

Not sure

Kathija Banu

great game

Mary Melekwe

won't open once installed

Nicola Ford

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Caragh Armstrong

Beauty full game

Sanjay Ray

I downloaded this game because of Hollywood story still not gotten my rewards hmmmm

Chiovwe Okunfolami

Ilove superstar life😘

Raya Ibrahim

You can't access 4 of the shops. If you try to, it crashes your game and kicks you out.

Tira Novotny

The game is so nis .but when I open the game its take long tim to open

khalid aboueldahab